Do Imports to CAD Make You Mad?

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Presented by

Eiren Smith, Axiom Product Expert

Thursday, 31 March 2022

2:00 p.m. Eastern Time.


Why You Should Attend This Webinar

We know how frustrating it can be trying to import data from Word documents or Excel spreadsheets into AutoCAD® or MicroStation® with perfect formatting. There’s the mindless repetition to deal with and your valuable time just gets chewed up. It’s enough to make you mad.

Eiren Smith, Axiom Product Expert and CAD/BIM software support veteran, will show you how to simplify those Word and Excel imports with Microsoft Office Importer. Can you say, “flawless formatting”?

Whether you’re having problems with text size, bolding, italics, font, column widths or row heights that are stubbornly uncooperative, Eiren will show you how to achieve prompt perfection every time.

Register now for this webinar that’ll save your sanity, plus leave you with time on your hands to focus on more important things.

Thursday, 31 March 2022

2:00 p.m. Eastern Time.


About Eiren Smith

Eiren Smith is a multi-decade Axiom Product Expert and CAD/BIM software support veteran. During this webinar, he will show you how to make Microsoft Office Importer your weapon for fast, flawless formatting.

Copyright © 2022 Axiom and IntelliProp.  All Rights Reserved.  Office Importer is a trademark of IntelliProp. Microsoft, Microsoft Word and Excel are registered trademarks of Microsoft, Inc. MicroStation is a registered trademark of Bentley Systems, Inc. AutoCAD is a registered trademark of Autodesk, Inc. Other trademarks are held by their respective owners. Not responsible for inadvertent errors.