MicroStation®: 8 On-Point Tools with Toolkit™
Thursday, 18 February 2021
2:00 p.m. Eastern Time
Why you should attend this webinar
Performing mindless, repetitive tasks was probably not the reason you chose to enter the field of design. Are you frustrated with fighting MicroStation issues such as the lousy formatting you get when importing data from Word documents or Excel spreadsheets? Does replacing the same text (or making other changes) in multiple design files cause you to cuss (quietly, under your breath, we hope)? If you’d like a toolbox that contains a tool for virtually every kind of MicroStation issue, please join us for this webinar.
Eiren Smith, Axiom Product Expert, will share some advanced MicroStation Productivity Toolkit know-how, so that you know exactly which tool to reach for in any given situation.
A panacea of pure practicality, MicroStation Productivity Toolkit offers eight tools based on real-life experience, solving the monotonous, soul-destroying CAD issues nobody wants to deal with, yet which seem unavoidable.
This webinar is for you if you’ve ever had trouble with:
Join us on 18 February at 2:00 p.m. Eastern Time for some tactical Toolkit insight. If you want your workflows streamlined and your workload lightened, join us. This webinar is designed to save you tons of time, which will hopefully help get you out of the office earlier.
Thursday, 18 February 2021
2:00 p.m. Eastern Time.
About Eiren Smith
Eiren Smith is an Axiom Product Expert and multi-decade MicroStation software support veteran. During this webinar, he will show you how to use MicroStation Productivity Toolkit to target common problem areas in MicroStation.
Copyright © 2021 Axiom and IntelliProp. All Rights Reserved. MicroStation Productivity Toolkit is a trademark of Axiom. Microsoft Word and Excel are registered trademarks of the Microsoft Corporation. MicroStation is a registered trademark of Bentley Systems, Incorporated. Other trademarks are held by their respective owners. Not responsible for inadvertent errors.