MicroStation Productivity Toolkit: When Time is of the Essence

Thursday, 14 October 2021
2:00 p.m. Eastern Time
Why you should attend this webinar
What would you be doing if you didn’t have to work late or put in extra hours over the weekend? What do you do for fun? (Can you even remember?) If it’s been too long since you went for a massage, or went fishing for the afternoon, or binge-watched Star Trek, something should be done about that. And that something has a name: MicroStation® Productivity Toolkit™.
There’s no denying that MicroStation is a powerful CAD platform. Let’s not pretend, however, that it doesn’t have a couple of quirks that chew up your time unnecessarily. You know what we’re referring to. All those times you’ve spent hours — possibly even days — importing Excel schedules into your MicroStation project. It’s been frustrating and boring, and, frankly, not the best use of your time.
Then there are those times when you open your email and discover that a couple of new items need to be entered into those schedules, plus there are price changes on a couple of items. That translates to yet more hours (or days, depending on the scale of your project) futzing and fixing and yes, we agree, it’s enough to test the patience of a saint.
If you’ve ever experienced these issues, and never want to deal with them again, then this MicroStation Productivity Toolkit webinar is perfect for you.
Eiren Smith, Axiom Product Expert and MicroStation Productivity Toolkit veteran, will show you how to easily:
This webinar is designed to ensure you’ll have a significantly easier time meeting tight project deadlines while increasing the quality of your final product. More importantly, you can forget that old frustration or the grind of repetitive tasks.
Eiren will show you some advanced MicroStation Productivity Toolkit know-how, so that you know exactly which tool to reach for in any given situation. You shouldn’t have to slog through projects when there are tools specifically designed to help save you time and reduce effort.
If this sounds like a good idea to you, then join us on Thursday, 14 October 2021 at 2:00 p.m. Eastern Time for some MicroStation Productivity Toolkit know-how that’ll have you wondering what to do with all that extra time on your hands!
Thursday, 14 October 2021
2:00 p.m. Eastern Time.
About Eiren Smith
Eiren Smith is an Axiom Product Expert and a multi-decade CAD/BIM veteran. During this webinar, he will show you how to use MicroStation Productivity Toolkit to turn your MicroStation troubles into triumphs.
Copyright © 2021 Axiom and IntelliProp. All Rights Reserved. Productivity Toolkit is a trademark of IntelliProp. MicroStation is a registered trademark of Bentley Systems, Inc. Microsoft, Microsoft Word and Excel are registered trademarks of Microsoft, Inc. Other trademarks are held by their respective owners. Not responsible for inadvertent errors.