Axiom Releases Microsoft Office Importer for MicroStation PowerDraft

CLEARWATER, FLORIDA, USA — Axiom, the world's largest independent provider of general-purpose MicroStation utilities, announces that it has released its Microsoft Office Importer for use with Bentley's PowerDraft V8i. Previously, Microsoft Office Importer was only available for use with MicroStation.
Microsoft Office Importer allows users to paste data such as spreadsheets into MicroStation PowerDraft with perfect formatting. You can also easily fit tall pastes into short spaces.
Axiom's Microsoft Office Importer lets users copy data from Excel spreadsheets — even huge ones — into DGN files as real MicroStation line and text elements with the user's preferred text size, font, color, weight and style. And the data pasted into the DGN file is linked back to the source file so it can be automatically updated in those DGN files in the future, keeping the pasted data continually up to date. It even includes a "column flow" feature, which creates and automatically correctly sizes columns on-the-fly, when importing Word and Excel data.
Microsoft Office Importer is used by MicroStation users — and now PowerDraft users — to paste various types of project information from Excel spreadsheets into DGN files, including various types of summaries, bills of material and quantity sheets. It is also used to paste notes, specifications and other data from Word documents into DGN files.
Eiren Smith, Axiom's Product Visionary, had this to say about the release: "Microsoft Office Importer has been so successful because it does something that is useful for virtually any MicroStation shop — and we've been constantly improving it since the 1990's, so it really sings. With this release, PowerDraft users can finally paste perfectly formatted, automatically updating data from Excel and Word with Microsoft Office Importer the way so many MicroStation users have for over a decade. I'm excited to be able to offer so much help to the PowerDraft community."
About Axiom
Axiom is one of the world's most experienced developers of time-saving CAD software solutions and the largest third-party provider of general-purpose add-ons for MicroStation. Axiom focuses on making CAD work easier by creating time-saving and productivity-boosting tools based on real-world problems CAD users encounter. Based in Clearwater, Florida, Axiom has been developing software for over 25 years.