MicroStation Users Can Now Control Tag Data When Replacing Cells

Clearwater, Florida, USA — Axiom announces the release of a major enhancement to Global File Changer, which gives MicroStation users the ability to easily replace cells (such as title block cells) in hundreds of files in just minutes without losing any of the tag data.
MicroStation users need to replace cells for a variety of reasons. However, until now, tags containing important information that are associated to the original cell are often lost or in the wrong location when a new cell replaces it.
For example, many projects will have a title block cell that uses a tag set for the data that changes between designs in a project. However, the location of the tags in the title block may need to change due to a customer requirement. To honor the customer requirements, a new title block cell is created. Unfortunately, when the new cell replaces the original cell, the tag data has to be manually edited or moved after the replacement. Editing or moving this tag data can be tedious and time-consuming.
With Global File Changer's new feature, the user controls what happens with the tags and the tag values they contain. With the new Replace Cells enhancement, replacing all the title block cells — including the tag data — in 100 sheet files can be done in about 5 minutes, start to finish.
In addition to all the tag handling options, Global File Changer can also change shared cells to normal cells or vice-versa. It can replace cells by origin or cell center, copy database and user data linkages, replace non-annotation cells with annotation cells and copy enter-data-field values when necessary. The Replace Cells feature can replace any or all cells with cells of the same name or a different name and it does it on any number of files in a batch process.
How to Contact Axiom
For more information on Global File Changer or for a free trial, call Axiom at 727-442-7774 extension 4225 or e-mail 4225@AxiomInt.com or visit Axiom on the Web at https://www.axiomint.com/global-file-changer/?id=4225.
About Axiom
Axiom is one of the world's most experienced developers of time-saving CAD software solutions and the largest third-party provider of general-purpose add-ons for MicroStation. Axiom focuses on making CAD work easier by creating time-saving and productivity-boosting tools based on real-world problems CAD users encounter. Based in Clearwater, Florida, Axiom has been developing software for over 25 years.
MicroStation is a registered trademarks of Bentley Systems, Incorporated. Global File Changer and Axiom are trademarks of Axiom.
For Immediate Release
Press Contact:
Kris Nickerson
1805 Drew Street
Clearwater, Florida 33765
MicroStation users can now easily replace cells (such as title block cells) in hundreds of files in just minutes without losing any of the tag data.