SpecChecker Free Demo Version

Perform quality-assurance checks on your MicroStation® files quickly and easily!

SpecChecker™ allows you to:

  • Ensure certain elements are on the correct levels.
  • Check symbology (color, weight, style), font and types of elements to ensure they follow a drawing standard.
  • Check the names of cells to ensure that only standard cells are used.
  • Inspect one or multiple design files or cell libraries at one time.
  • Identify every design file or cell library element which does not conform to your standards.
  • Automatically generate rules files.
  • Correct many violations automatically.
  • Interactively edit the elements which do not conform to your standards.
  • Eliminate the time and tedium of manual proofreading.
  • Ensure drawings are correct before they are plotted or submitted.
  • Process design files taken directly from ProjectWise.

To find out more, fill out the form, call us at 727-442-7774 or email us at InfoMail@AxiomInt.com

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