12 October 2022
Silence, Please! CAD/BIM Professional Trying to Work Here!

Clarity comes in the silences, in those moments when the rest of the world and its noise recedes, and you’re in the zone, styling, grooving, problem-solving, as you figure out that new tunnel beneath the waters of the bay, or the design of that new super-tanker harbor, or how to build a bridge that’ll be safe in the ice and snow in the new mountain pass. You’re a CAD/BIM professional and this is you at your finest.
The Problem
We need that clarity, that outpouring of creative genius, to build the future of Earth. And for that, we need those silences. But it’s hard to achieve when Ron is incessantly muttering about a design file that won’t open, or Kevin’s huffing and puffing and tearing out his hair as he tries to find what’s throwing the automated quantity calculations out of whack. When Jeff slams his hands on his desk and yells an obscenity not strictly suitable for work, you may as well give up or go and live in a monastery where the monks have taken a vow of silence. Either that or kick Rapunzel out and claim squatter’s rights to her tower.
You became a CAD/BIM designer to design, for heaven’s sake, not to spend a huge portion of your working life stuck on mind-numbingly repetitive tasks associated with your platform of choice. Right?
So how do we achieve those silences? How do we get Ron, Kevin, and Jeff to shut the hell up long enough for your torrent of creative genius to make a difference to the world we live in? You’ve got two choices: either gag and restrain them (which might not go down well with HR) or get them some help.
The Solution

What kind of help? The kind that stops the muttering, the huffing-puffing hair tear-outs, and the hand-slamming-obscenity-yelling from the part-time ogre in the corner. It’s simple, really: The guys need tools to address the issues they’re having with their CAD/BIM platforms.
Ron sounds like he needs FileFixer™, which would allow him to automatically eliminate file corruption in either MicroStation® or OpenRoads®. Kevin is clearly in desperate need of Duplicate Element Remover™, which contributes a number of fixes, from resolving his scrambled cost analysis to simply having his platform running faster. (Hair transplant not included.) And Jeff? Well, Jeff obviously needs Microsoft Office Importer™ because the formatting of his imported spreadsheets is driving him up the wall. (Apparently, Jeff doesn’t handle stress well, and although he says he’s in anger management, you’ve yet to see the results.)
Axiom’s entire purpose, our raison d’etre as the French would so poetically say, is precisely what you’re dealing with: resolving issues on CAD/BIM platforms such as MicroStation, Revit®, and AutoCAD® so that nobody’s getting angry or frustrated and disturbing your peace.
Who’re You Going to Call?
For over 30 years, we’ve listened to precisely what frustrates CAD/BIM professionals on these platforms, and we’ve developed precise tools to address virtually every situation that they can throw at you.
You became a CAD/BIM designer to design, for heaven’s sake, not to spend a huge portion of your working life stuck on mind-numbingly repetitive tasks associated with your platform of choice. Right?
Kick Rapunzel out and claim squatter’s rights to her tower.
Whether you’re craving the silence of your coworkers or could personally benefit from some tools to reduce frustration, avoid stress, increase speed, and improve the accuracy of your projects, Axiom is clearly a leader in this arena.
Call 727-442-7774 to pick the brain of a knowledgeable Service Consultant, or, for more information pertaining to your platform, MicroStation tools are here, Revit options are here, and AutoCAD offerings are here.
Word on the street is that Jeff knows someone who knows Rapunzel. But don’t tell him you heard it from us.