Stable Datums and Silver Linings for You in a Time of Adversity

Stay connected and in control of your workflows.
So, that dream of being able to work in your pajamas from home has finally come true (even if not in the manner you expected). You can network with your colleagues and get together for virtual conferences to keep the proverbial ball rolling. It’s all about finding the silver linings. In uncertain times, you can grab hold of some stable datums and run your life by them.
Getting the projects done that you need to get done is still vital and you are keeping in your same routine so you can hit those targets. If you have been collaborating with people working from their homes previously, the new situation may not be that alien to you.
Those late nights and long weekends are mitigated because you have your family around you. Sure, having your kids home schooling and your significant other working out of the same space presents some novel challenges, but you get to see them more than you have in a long while — another silver lining (well, most of the time).

Don't miss a beat getting your projects complete.
Having a can-do attitude has always stood you in good stead and now is no different. Here at Axiom, we know that our clients are problem-solvers and there is nothing that can’t be worked out, if you apply those problem-solving skills.
Working at home doesn’t mean you have to sacrifice any of the quality of your work. You still need to have perfect formatting when you import Excel spreadsheets and Word documents into MicroStation, AutoCAD and Revit. You still need to perform quality assurance checks on your MicroStation files quickly and easily. Reference file problems in MicroStation still need to be fixed quickly. The problems you experience in your day-to-day work stay the same and the solutions remain something that Axiom is able to provide for you.
If you need to upgrade to a license type that allows people to work from home, we can help you with that. If there is a new work challenge that you are being presented with that you are not sure how to handle, please reach out to us. Our team is ready to help you. Find us at