4 January 2022
Title Block Manager and the Patron Saint of Work-Related Stress

In tense moments, you may have wondered whether there’s a Patron Saint of Work-Related Stress, and indeed there is.
Step forward, St. Walter of Pontoise.
St. Walter would truly empathize with your struggles to make sure that all those title blocks are done correctly across the hundreds of sheets in your project.
Is there not some sense in having the Patron Saint of Work-Related Stress also responsible for prisoners? You may feel trapped by that task, which means you have to go through, and correct, a multitude of sheets that are now out of sequence. Your weekend and the plans you had are now blocked out for something entirely less fun. Walter might have run in the opposite direction, but you can’t.
Title Block Manager™ saves you so much time that you will wonder how you ever managed without it.
Saint Isidore of Seville, the Patron Saint of Computer Programmers, and those under his watch, have come to your rescue. Title Block Manager saves you so much time that you will wonder how you ever managed without it. It will revolutionize your workflows.
Thankfully you aren’t working with manuscripts by candlelight and having to make all those corrections by hand. You may be currently fixing everything manually, which can seem just as bad, especially when it can be avoided. Walter would have shaken Isidore’s hand if he could have handed him a tool that removed all that repetitive work.

Whether you are using design models or sheet models in MicroStation® or model space and paper space in AutoCAD®, you are supported.
You aren’t going to have to worry about going through a long, complicated setup either. Everything that we do with our programs at Axiom is designed to save you time and save you money. You aren’t going to get caught out because of last-minute changes to the project. You will be able to get everything completed so that you meet that deadline. And those weekend plans you had? Well, they’re back in play. Click the link to find out more about Title Block Manager.