User’s Guide – FileFixer for V8

Chapter 13 — Error Messages

Operational errors and messages

Operational errors are reported with error numbers in the range 000–099. These messages concern something that should be brought to your attention.

003 — Could not open <_________>.

Cause — FileFixer’s structured storage search settings are disabled, but this file has structured storage errors, such as damaged sub-folders or sub-files.

Cause — You don’t have the privilege to create files in the directory you specified.

Solution — Have your system administrator find out why the file couldn’t be created and handle.

Solution — Contact Axiom to find out what is wrong with the structured storage of this file.

004 — Process aborted by user.

Cause — User pressed <Esc> during FileFixer processing.

005 — Too many errors have already been reported for this file.

Cause — The “Search for Problems” command lets you specify the maximum number of errors to report for a file. FileFixer identified more than the maximum number of errors in this file.

Solution — Repair the file or increase the maximum number of errors allowed.

016 — Specified file does not exist.

Cause — User typed in a directory path and/or file name that does not exist.

Cause — Non-existent file name follows /L option (in “Which Files?” field).

Effect — FileFixer cannot process the specified file.

Solution — Check FileFixer’s report for the file name which could not be found.

017 — Input file <________> cannot be opened.

Cause — You do not have the necessary privilege to open this file.

Cause — Someone else or another process has the file open at the moment.

Cause — There is something wrong with the computer or file system.

Effect — This file cannot be processed by FileFixer until the problem is corrected.

Solution — Have your system administrator determine why the file cannot be opened.

018 — Model information could not be read so this design file cannot be processed.

Cause — The model index is missing or damaged.

Effect — This file cannot be processed by FileFixer until the problem is corrected.

Solution — Try opening and closing the file in MicroStation V8, then re-run FileFixer.

019 — This design file has digital protection and will be skipped.

Cause — This V8 file is digitally protected.

Effect — FileFixer does not process protected files.

File: c:\MyProject\MySecureFile.dgn

*** -- This design file has digital protection and will be skipped. [019].

Solution — Unprotect your file, then re-run FileFixer.

021 — Type 9 (design file header) has been replaced.

Cause — You directed FileFixer to replace the type 9 design file header element (the first element in the file) with a type 9 from another design file. This message is reported for the replaced element.

Effect — The type 9 from the donor file you specified using the Repair... | Header | Replace the design file header element will replace this element.

022 — Non-model table has been replaced.

Cause — You directed FileFixer to replace a non-model table with a non-model table from another design file. This message is reported for the replaced element.

Effect — The non-model table from the donor file you specified using the Repair... | Header | Replace Non-Model Header or Table will replace this table.

029 — Backup file already exists.

Cause — You are using “Work on Original” mode and a .bkp version of this file already exists. FileFixer will not overwrite a .bkp file.

Effect — FileFixer will continue to protect your files (won’t overwrite) until this is remedied.

Solution — Rename the .bkp file to something else.

Solution — Use wildcards in the backup file extension. For example, “.bk?”.

Solution — Turn “Work on Original” mode OFF. That way FileFixer will create a copy of the original file (with a .fix extension) and process the copy, retaining the original untouched.

Solution — If you are absolutely positive that this backup file will never be needed, you can delete it.

050 — Error writing element to output (.fix) design file.

Cause — In most cases this error is caused by insufficient disk space on the disk to which FileFixer is writing the output design file.

Effect — The output design file will not be complete.

Solution — Copy the design file you want to repair to a disk with more disk space.

Solution — Free up some room on the disk in question by deleting unnecessary files.

Solution — If the above doesn’t solve this, contact Axiom Support for help at

060 — This isn't a V8 design file.

Cause — The selected file is not a V8 design file.

Effect — FileFixer for V8 is designed to process V8 files only.

Solution — Use the V7 version of FileFixer to process V7 files.

062 — This is the first element indicating that this file contains ______

attribute linkage.

Cause — This design file contains at least one element with application-specific attribute linkage. This is not a corruption. As FileFixer for V8 evolves, various application-specific settings may be added. As of this writing, TriForma-specific settings are supported. This message indicates that at least one TriForma element has been detected in the file — so FileFixer automatically activated TriForma-specific settings when processing the file.


4000000, ID=43676 -- This is the first element indicating this file contains TriForma attribute linkage. [62].

Application-specific settings are displayed on the Settings | Change Settings | MicroStation Applications dialog.

Suspicious Conditions

Suspicious conditions are reported with error numbers in the range 100–199. There is something not quite right about the reported elements.

103 — Reserved bits are set in the element header.

Cause — Bits 10:15 are unused in the second word of every MicroStation V8 element. This allows for future enhancements to the element format. These bits should be clear (set to 0). If they are not, this message is generated.

Technically this is not an error because there are no known programs that rely on these bits at this time. However, when trying to pick up the trail of a valid element chain, the sophisticated algorithm FileFixer uses to automatically repair corrupted design files will make note of the fact that a potentially valid element has set reserved bits and severely downgrade the likelihood that this element is part of a valid element chain.

Effect — None known at this time.

Solution — Use FileFixer’s “Automatic Design File Repair” command with the Settings | Change Settings | Repair... | Element | Fix reserved bits by clearing them repair setting turned on to repair the element. This setting is OFF by default.

119 — Element is too close to design file edge.

Cause — According to its range block, this element is located dangerously close to the edge of the design plane (or design cube).

Cause — The origin of an ellipse, arc, text or text node is dangerously close to the edge of the design plane (or past the edge).

Cause — A curve’s beginning and ending slope points are too close to the edge of the design plane.Effect — Element may be unselectable, unmovable or excluded from fence operations.

You may experience anomalies with actions such as plotting and Save As.

Solution — Use Problem Element Viewer to see what this element looks like and where it is located. If this is a stray, unwanted element and is actually causing plotting (or other) problems, then use Problem Element Viewer to delete it.

NoteProblem Element Viewer deletes elements using MicroStation’s delete command. If MicroStation is not able to delete an element which manifests error 119, use the solution below.

Solution — Add “119” to the “Delete elements with the following error numbers” list under Settings | Change Settings | Repair... | Element to have FileFixer delete such elements in “Automatic Design File Repair” mode.

Note: It is also possible for an element to contain range values which are beyond the edge of the design plane (or design cube). This problem is new for V8 — in V7 it is not possible to exceed the design edge. See description of error 619 for more information.

Note: V8 element coordinates range from 4,503,599,627,370,495 (max) to

-4,503,599,627,370,496 (min). [From …\Program\MicroStation\mdl\include\msdefs.h.]

132 — Reserved bits are set in the “properties” word.

Cause — The property word of every graphic element and complex header contains four bits which are not used for anything and which should always be zero. The reserved bits are bits 4:6 and 8 of the properties word.

Effect — MicroStation does not use this information yet, so this error should not cause any difficulties. However, the possibility exists that future enhancements to MicroStation could start using this information, in which case, the non-zero status of this information could cause as yet indeterminable errors.

Solution — None needed at this time.

144 — This font library does not contain font ____.

Cause — The font library MicroStation is currently using does not contain the font used by this text element. Either this element is corrupt or the font library MicroStation is using is corrupted.

Effect — MicroStation will display this element using its default font.

Solution — Find and attach the missing font library.

Solution — Change this element’s font to one that you do have in your font library.

146 — Text element doesn't contain any visible characters.

Cause — This element doesn’t contain any visible characters, it may contain only spaces.

Effect — This element does not violate any MicroStation design file construction rules.

Solution — Enter 146 into the string of error numbers in the text field for the Settings | Change Settings | Repair... | Elements | Delete problem elements based on the error they generate repair setting, and then use FileFixer’s “Automatic Design File Repair” command to delete elements with this error.

151 — Gap found in 2D complex shape or chain.

Cause — When creating a 2D complex shape or chain from multiple linear elements that have gaps between the endpoints, MicroStation will not actually create the connecting lines, but MicroStation will display a line between those endpoints.

Effect —If these 2D complex elements are later dropped, gaps will exist between the component elements.

Solution — Use FileFixer’s “Automatic Design File Repair” command with the Settings | Change Settings | Repair... | Complex | Add line to bridge gap in 2D complex shape or chain. This setting is OFF by default. FileFixer will only create a line to fill the gap in a 2D model.

Chapter 13 — Error Messages Page 119

168 — Shared cell instance dependency link is pointing to a shared cell definition with a different cell name.

Cause — A shared cell has a dependency linkage containing an element ID that points to a shared cell definition that uses a different name than the shared cell instance.

Effect — This condition is allowed in MicroStation but usually indicates a corrupt dependency linkage on the shared cell instance.

Solution — Use FileFixer’s “Automatic Design File Repair” with the Settings | Change Settings | Repair... | Linkage | Change the name of the shared cell instance, with dependency linkage, to match the shared cell definition’s name if they don’t match setting to repair this.

169 — Non-zero Z range found in a 2D element.

Cause — One of the Z range value is non-zero.

Effect — Systems which assume the Z range of a 2D element will be zero may behave unexpectedly when they encounter this element. For example, elements may be displayed or plotted too small or cells may be placed too small.

Solution — Use FileFixer’s “Automatic Design File Repair” with the Settings | Change Settings | Repair... | Repair range of displayable elements setting on to repair this element. This repair setting is ON by default.

185 — Element size, excluding lines and line strings, is zero in all dimensions.

Cause — The size of the element in all dimensions is zero.

Effect — You may not be able to see this element.

Solution — Enter 185 into the string of error numbers in the text field for the Settings | Change Settings | Repair...| Elements | Delete problem elements based on the error they generate repair setting, and then use FileFixer’s “Automatic Design File Repair” command to delete elements which generate this error.

191 — Text element has more EDFs than characters.

Cause — A text element with more EDFs (Enter-Data-Fields) than characters has been encountered.

Solution — Use Problem Element Viewer to find out what this element looks like. Delete it. Redraw it.

Solution — Use FileFixer’s “Automatic Design File Repair” command with the Settings | Change Settings | Repair... | Enter-Data-Fields | Correct EDF/text length mismatches repair setting turned on to repair the element. This setting is ON by default.

V8-specific Informational Messages (Errors 201–267)

V8-specific informational messages are reported with numbers in the range 200–299.

Structured Storage

Beginning with MicroStation V8, design files contain multiple internal folders and files, similar to Microsoft Excel or Word documents. This internal organization is called “structured storage”. Documents structured this way are called “compound documents”.

There are specific internal folders and files which are standard and expected in V8 design files. For example:

Screen Shot 2022 05 16 at 6.03.56 PM -

The errors in this section reflect missing structured storage components.

There is no search setting corresponding to these errors. FileFixer checks for structured storage problems automatically in every file processed because a fatal structured storage error indicates a vital portion of your file is missing or cannot be accessed — which means it is also impossible to access or analyze the elements contained within.

Note: Sub-folders within a compound file are called “storages”. Sub-files within a compound file are called “streams”.

201 — Missing non-graphical storage for model <______>.

Cause — There are no control elements in this model. Control elements consist of reference file attachment elements and type 66 elements.

Effect — Suspicious for a model that contains graphical elements.

Solution — None needed at this time.

202 — Missing non-graphical data for model <______>).

Cause — This model is missing control elements. Control elements consist of reference file attachment elements and type 66 application elements.

Effect — Suspicious for a model that contains graphical elements.

Solutin — Use FileFixer’s “Automatic Design File Repair” command with the Settings | Change Settings | Repair... | Structured Storage | Recover elements beyond missing or damaged non-graphical data repair setting turned on to fix. This setting is OFF by default.

203 — Missing graphical storage for model <______>.

Cause — There are no graphical elements in this model.

Effect —Legal, but suspicious.

Solution — Delete unneeded empty models using MicroStation V8’s File | Models dialog.

204 — Missing graphical data for model <______>.

Cause — This model contains no graphical elements.

Effect — Legal, but suspicious.

Solution — Use FileFixer’s “Automatic Design File Repair” command with the Settings | Change Settings | Repair... | Structured Storage | Recover elements beyond missing or damaged graphical data repair setting turned on to fix. This setting is OFF by default.

Note: Error 204 is suppressed for the Default model in files with a “.cel” extension because cell libraries commonly have an empty Default model.

205 — Missing non-model data.

Cause — The non-model section of the design file is missing some data.

Effect — If shared cell definitions are missing, shared cell instances will not display (or plot). If you select the area where the shared cell instance should appear and select MicroStation’s Element Information command, the type 35 shared cell header might display, but its component geometry won’t be listed (undefined).

Effect – If the level table is missing, levels might not appear in MicroStation’s Level Manager. MicroStation’s Element Information command might display a blank (empty) level name for selected elements. Level operations might unexpectedly exclude elements. For more, see description of error 415.

Effect – Other non-model data (fonts, lines styles, dimension styles, etc.) may be missing from the design.

Solution — Use FileFixer’s “Automatic Design File Repair” command with the Settings | Change Settings | Repair... | Structured Storage | Recover elements beyond missing or damaged non-model data repair setting turned on to fix. This setting is OFF by default.

230 — Missing model index storage.

Cause — No model index information.

Effect — FileFixer cannot process this file.

Solution — Try opening and saving the file in MicroStation V8, then re-run FileFixer.

231 — Missing model index data.

Cause — No model index information.

Effect — FileFixer cannot process this file.

Solution — Try opening and saving the file in MicroStation V8, then re-run FileFixer.

235 — “<Element type>. TriForma is required for element modification.

Cause — TriForma has intentionally set this element so it can’t be modified by MicroStation when TriForma is not loaded.

Effect —MicroStation, without TriForma loaded, will not allow these elements to be modified.

Solution — Use FileFixer’s “Automatic Design File Repair” command with the Settings | Change Settings | Repair...| Linkage | Clear “application required for element modification” flag in TriForma linkage to either make these elements visible or delete them. This repair setting is OFF by default.

240 — Element type ____ is invisible.

Cause — MicroStation V8 has the ability to make elements invisible.

Effect — These invisible elements are not displayed in MicroStation’s GUI and cannot be plotted. This is a new MicroStation feature and is not, strictly speaking, an element corruption but is suspicious and possibly unwanted.

Certain applications, such as Cimmetry’s AutoVue, do not recognize this new element attribute and display invisible elements. This may be confusing when compared to MicroStation’s display.

Solution — Use FileFixer’s “Automatic Design File Repair” command with the Settings | Change Settings | Repair...| Element | Fix invisible elements by: to either make these elements visible or delete them. This setting is OFF by default.

250 — Model is locked.

Cause — MicroStation V8 has the ability to lock models.

Effect — You cannot add, modify or delete elements in a locked model. MicroStation V8.5 displays an error message “file is read-only” (which is not necessarily true). With MicroStation XM, element manipulations fail without explanation.

Solution – Use MicroStation’s “model unlock” key-in to unlock the model.

Solution — Use FileFixer’s “Automatic Design File Repair” command with the Settings | Change Settings | Repair...| Models | Unlock models setting enabled. This setting is OFF by default.

267 — Unused reference file level table.

Cause — A reference file level table exists, but none of the attached reference files use it.

Effect — This reference file level table is just taking up space in the design file.

Solution — Use FileFixer’s “Automatic Design File Repair” command with the Levels | Delete unused reference file level tables setting enabled. This setting is OFF by default.

Minor Errors

Minor errors are reported with error numbers in the range 300–399. The reported elements may eventually cause problems.

301 — The number of words of attribute data is not a multiple of 4.

Cause — Database linkages should always be created in multiples of 4 words. The number of words in the linkage area of this element is not a multiple of 4.

Effect — May prevent database access.

Effect — May cause problems for applications that process the user linkage.

Solution — Use Problem Element Viewer to locate this element. Then redraw or delete the element.

302 — Type 1 (cell library header) elements are not allowed in design files.

Cause — Type 1 cell library headers (V7 only) should not be found in a V8 design file.

Effect — None known.

Solution — Use FileFixer’s “Automatic Design File Repair” command with the Settings | Change Settings | Repair...| Element | Remove illegal element types setting turned on. This setting is ON by default.

303 — Shared cell definition with no shared cell instance.

Cause — A shared cell definition has been found, but there is no shared cell instance that uses that definition. This happens quite often when importing DWG files into MicroStation.

Effect —MicroStation will ignore this shared cell definition.

Solution — Use FileFixer’s “Automatic Design File Repair” command with the Settings | Change Settings | Repair... | Cell | Delete shared cell definition with no shared cell instances setting turned on. This setting is OFF by default.

304 — H-Bit should not be set for this element.

Cause — According to the strictest rules of element construction, the only elements whose H-Bit should ever be set are cells (type 2), lines (type 3), shapes (type 6), complex shapes (type 14), ellipses (type 15), and element types 21 through 28. The reported element was not one of these types, yet its H-Bit was set.

Effect — May cause display or plotting problems.

Solution — Use FileFixer’s “Automatic Design File Repair” command with the Settings | Change Settings | Repair... | Element | Turn off illegal H-bits setting turned on. This setting is ON by default.

Note: The H-Bit is called the H-Bit because for many element types it indicates the element is a hole, not solid. The H-bit has various other meanings for element types which are not in the above list.

305 — Element range doesn’t match the min-max of its vertices.

Cause — This error is essentially similar to error 705, but is less severe in nature. This error is generated when the range is off by more than the user-specified tolerance, but within the tolerance -70% and 900%. See error number 705 below for more information.

Solution — Use FileFixer’s “Automatic Design File Repair” with the Settings | Change Settings | Repair... | Repair range of displayable elements setting on to repair this element. This repair setting is ON by default.

307 — B-spline pole element doesn’t match the min-max of its poles nor its b-spline surface header.

Cause — This error is essentially similar to error 707, but is less severe in nature. This error is generated when the range is off by more than the user-specified tolerance, but within the tolerance -70% and 900%. See error number 707 below for more information.

Solution — Use FileFixer’s “Automatic Design File Repair” with the Settings | Change Settings | Repair... | Repair range of displayable elements setting on to repair this element. This setting is ON by default.

309 — Type __ header misses type __ component by __ %.

Cause — This error is essentially similar to error 709, but is less severe in nature. This error is generated when the range is off by more than the user-specified tolerance, but within the tolerance -70% and 900%. See error number 709 below for more information.

Solution — Use FileFixer’s “Automatic Design File Repair” with the Settings | Change Settings | Repair... | Repair range of complex header elements setting on to repair this element. This setting is ON by default.

312 — Range of right circular truncated cone is incorrect.

Cause — This error is essentially similar to error 712, but is less severe in nature. This error is generated when the range is off by more than the user-specified tolerance, but within the tolerance -70% and 900%. See error number 712 below for more information.

Solution — Use FileFixer’s “Automatic Design File Repair” with the Settings | Change Settings | Repair... | Repair range of displayable elements setting on to repair this element. This setting is ON by default.

314 – Duplicate reference file slot number found.

Cause — This element is a reference file attachment whose slot number matches a previous reference file attachment in this model.

Effect — Only the first reference file attachment with this slot number will display in MicroStation’s References dialog. Other attachments using the same slot number won’t display and can’t be deleted from MicroStation’s References dialog.

Effect — We added this new search option because customers reported duplicate slot numbers prevented successful processing of attachments by third party applications.

Solution — Run FileFixer’s “Automatic Design File Repair” with the Settings | Change Settings | Repair… | Reference File | Set slot number to an unused slot number. This setting is ON by default.

320 — Complex header range is off by ___%.

Cause — This error is essentially similar to error 720, but is less severe in nature. This error is generated when the range is off by more than the user-specified tolerance, but within the tolerance -70% and 900%. See error number 720 below for more information.

Solution — Use FileFixer’s “Automatic Design File Repair” with the Settings | Change Settings | Repair... | Repair range of complex header elements setting on to repair this element. This setting is on by default.

322 — Component count in complex header is incorrect.

Cause — Complex header elements, such as text nodes (type 7). cells (type 2 and 34) and strings (type 12), specify the number of component elements that are embedded within them. FileFixer for V8 detected that the actual number of components does not match the count stored in the complex header.

Effect — MicroStation V8 may not be able to load the design file.

Solution — Use FileFixer’s “Automatic Design File Repair” command with the Settings | Change Settings | Repair... | Structured Storage | Only recover a complex element when all components can be found turned on (ON by default) to correct the number-of-components.

323 — A deleted element was found within a complex element. .

Cause — Complex elements should not contain deleted elements.

Effect — Unknown.

Solution — Run FileFixer’s “Automatic Design File Repair” command with the Settings | Change Settings | Repair… | Complex | Handle illegal components in complex element. setting turned on. With this setting turned on you have the choice of dropping status on the complex header or squeezing out the deleted elements. This setting is on by default and its default setting is to squeeze out deleted elements.

324 — Range of arc or ellipse is incorrect.

Cause — This error is essentially similar to error 724, but is less severe in nature. This error is generated when the range is off by more than the user-specified tolerance, but within the tolerance -70% and 900%. See error number 724 below for more information.

Solution — Use FileFixer’s “Automatic Design File Repair” with the Settings | Change Settings | Repair... | Repair range of displayable elements setting on to repair this element. This setting is on by default.

325 — Range of text element is incorrect.

Cause — This error is essentially similar to error 725, but is less severe in nature. This error is generated when the range is off by more than the user-specified tolerance, but within the tolerance -70% and 900%. See error number 725 for important information.

Solution — Use FileFixer’s “Automatic Design File Repair” with the Settings | Change Settings | Repair... | Repair range of displayable elements setting on to repair this element. This setting is on by default.

Be sure you have the correct font library specified in MicroStation.

327 — Range of text node element is incorrect.

Cause — This error is essentially similar to error 727, but it is less severe in nature. This error is generated when the range is off by more than the user-specified tolerance, but within the tolerance –70% and 900%.

Effect — Possible element snapping, selection, and fence manipulation problems.

Solution — Use FileFixer’s “Automatic Design File Repair” with the Settings | Change Settings | Repair... | Repair range of displayable elements setting on to repair this element. This setting is on by default.

333 — Class of element is illegal.

Cause — The class of this element is undefined (greater than 6).

Effect — This element may fail to display, may fail to plot or may be left out of some fence operations.

Solution — Use FileFixer’s “Automatic Design File Repair” command to set the class to a legal value. Remember to turn on the Settings | Change Settings | Repair... | Element | Set illegal class to ___ repair setting as it is OFF by default.

336 — A component element is on a different level than its complex header.

Cause — The indicated element is part of a complex element and is on a different level than its parent element.

Effect — Depending on what levels are being displayed, part of the element may be visible while other parts are invisible.

Effect — Some processes may ignore the fact that parts of the element are on different levels and treat the entire element as though it were on the level indicated by the header.

Solution — Use FileFixer’s “Automatic Design File Repair” command with the repair setting Settings | Change Settings | Repair... | Complex | Move Components To Same Level as complex header turned on to move the component to the same level as its parent. This setting is OFF by default.

341 — A component is a different graphic group than its header.

Cause — Graphical component elements must have the same graphic group number as the complex header.

Effect – Unknown.

Solution — Select Settings | Change Settings | Repair... | Complex | Set graphic group of component to match its header to instruct FileFixer to change the graphic group number of the component element to match the header. (This setting is not on by default.)

343 — Reference file <________> is missing.

Cause — The reference file may have been deleted.

Cause — The reference file may have been moved.

Effect — The missing reference file will not be displayed.

Effect — The missing reference file attachment will not plot.

Solution — Use FileFixer’s “Automatic Design File Repair” command with the Settings | Change Settings | Repair... | Reference File | Delete missing reference file attachment setting turned on. This setting is OFF by default.

Solution — Correct the path of the reference file attachment using Axiom’s RefManager.

RefManager is particularly handy if error 343 is reported for a large number of your files.

NoteFileFixer searches MS_RFDIR and any configuration variable which is prepended to a reference file name (such as MYPROJECT:MyFile.dgn). For best results, ensure the MicroStation workspace of the workstation where you are running FileFixer matches the workspace of the project which created the file.

365 — Size of linkage is not a multiple of four.

Cause — The user linkage mentioned is not a multiple of four words in length. Note that this error is different from error 301 in that this error refers to the size of a particular attribute linkage (possibly one of many linkages) as determined by analyzing the size (in words) of that linkage itself (not the elementSize). Error 301 refers to the size of the entire linkage area. The linkage area is that part of the element after the graphic part of the element. The attribute area of an element may contain several individual attribute linkages.

Effect — The same effects that can be caused by error 301 can be caused by error 365.

Solution — Enter 365 into the string of error numbers in the text field for the Settings | Change Settings | Repair...| Elements | Delete problem elements based on the error they generate repair setting, and then use FileFixer’s “Automatic Design File Repair” command to delete elements which generate this error.

Solution — Use Problem Element Viewer to locate this element. Then redraw or delete the element.

373 —Vertex is off the edge of the design plane.

Cause — A line string’s vertex is off the edge of the design plane.

Effect — MicroStation will not display this vertex.

Solution — Use FileFixer’s Settings | Change Settings | Repair... | Vertices | Fix line string’s vertex off the edge of the design plane by: repair option to either adjust the corrupted vertex or delete the element.

380 — Illegal element type detected.

Cause — An element type, which should never exist (type 0, 20, and 127), was detected.

Effect — The element will probably be ignored. It is illegal for such elements to exist and is probably an indicator of some other type of corruption. There is an excellent chance that there is an earlier elementSize error in the design file, which could make the design file undisplayable.

Solution — Use FileFixer’s “Automatic Design File Repair” command with the Settings | Change Settings | Repair... | Element | Remove illegal element types setting (which is on by default). Be alert for other types of corruption in the vicinity of this element.

383 — Cell in a design file is nested within itself.

Cause — This element is a cell that is nested within a cell of the same name.

Effect — The cell may not display as expected.

Solution — Use the FileFixer Settings | Change Settings | Repair... | Cell | Delete cell nested within itself repair setting to delete occurrences of a cell that is nested within a cell of the same name. This setting is OFF by default.

V8-specific Warnings

V8-specific warnings are reported with numbers in the range 400–499.

For more information about structured storage, see the section titled “V8-specific Informational Messages.

410 — Missing Manifest data.

Cause — The file is missing one of the basic structured storage components.

Effect — Manifest data is missing for this file. This is suspicious and may be a symptom of file damage.

Solution — None needed at this time.

411 — Missing Session data.

Cause — The file is missing one of the basic structured storage components.

Effect — Session data is missing for this file. This is suspicious and may be a symptom of file damage.

Solution — None needed at this time.

412 — Missing Summary Information data.

Cause — The file is missing one of the basic structured storage components which contains the following file properties:




Last Saved By.

MicroStation version





Total Editing Time

Effect — Summary Information is missing for this file.

Solution — If you access design file properties from Windows or within MicroStation, you will need to create or recreate the file properties for this file.

413 — Missing Document Summary Information data.

Cause — The file is missing one of the basic structured storage components which contains the following file properties:

Category (Windows) or Client (V8)

Company name


plus any custom properties which might be defined.

Effect — Document Summary Information is missing for this file.

Solution — If you access design file properties from Windows or within MicroStation, you will need to create or recreate the file properties for this file.

415 — Bad element level.

Cause — Element contains an undefined level (not present in the level table).

Effect — MicroStation’s “Analyze” command cannot display the element’s level.

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Effect — Level does not display in MicroStation’s Level Manager.

Effect — Levels appear to be empty (no elements) in MicroStation’s Level Manager.

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Solution — Use FileFixer’s “Automatic Design File Repair” command Settings | Change Settings | Repair... | Level | Repair elements on corrupted levels to correct this problem. With this repair setting you can move all elements to the same level, move all elements to the default level (level number 0) or move each element to a new, automatically created level. For component elements you also have the choice of moving them to the same level as its complex header element. The default setting is to move each element to a new, automatically created level.

420 — Reference file attachment (________) using slot zero found.

Cause — A reference file is in slot zero.

Effect — Some applications, including ProjectWise, do not recognize an attachment in slot zero. ProjectWise for example will not copy out this reference file when the master file is checked out.

Solution — Use FileFixer’s “Automatic Design File Repair” command Settings | Change Settings | Repair... | Reference File | Move slot zero reference to | The first available slot or The slot after the highest numbered slot currently used to correct this problem.

429 — Multiple Master File Level Numbers.

Cause — Two or more master file level table level numbers are the same.

Effect — Under MicroStation XM only the first level with a duplicated level number is used. This can cause element’s to display incorrectly when the element’s symbology is based on the level’s symbology.

Solution — First use FileFixer’s "Delete the duplicate level number by:’ by either keeping the first or last instance of the duplicate level number. Then recreate the deleted level if needed. FileFixer’s repair setting is ON by default and keeps the first instance of the duplicate level number.

437 — Element’s and model’s are different.

Cause — An element’s dimension is different than its model’s dimension. For example, a 3D line in a 2D model.

Effect — Cannot modify the element.

Solution — Use FileFixer’s Settings | Change Settings | Repair... | Element | Set element's dimension to match the model's dimension. This setting is OFF by default.

443 — Reference file is hidden.

Cause — The reference file attachment is hidden.

Effect — Reference file is not displayed in MicroStation’s “References” dialog.

Solution — Use FileFixer’s Settings | Change Settings | Repair... | Reference File | Display hidden reference files option to display hidden reference file attachments. This setting is OFF by default.

444 — Level is hidden.

Cause — The level is hidden.

Effect — The level is not displayed in MicroStation’s Level Manager.

Solution — Use FileFixer’s Settings | Change Settings | Repair... | Levels | Display hidden levels option to display hidden levels in MicroStation’s Level Manager. This setting is OFF by default.

450 — Project Explorer stream count is corrupted.

Cause — The Project Explorer stream count is significantly larger than expected.

Effect — The design file may take an extraordinarily long time to open.

Solution — Use FileFixer’s Settings | Change Settings | Repair... | Structured Storage | Repair Project Explorer data option to fix this problem.

Future Problems — File is in Danger

Future problems are reported with error numbers in the range 500–599. Continued use of the file will probably eventually cause severe problems.

514 — Attribute offset error.

Cause — The element’s attribute offset was not what FileFixer expected. This may indicate the element’s linkage area is damaged.

Effect — Depends upon the type of linkage. If the element already has a database linkage, related database information may be inaccessible due to this error. Trying to add a database linkage to this element may cause file corruption.

Solution — Use Problem Element Viewer to locate this element so that you can recreate the element and its database link, or delete it.

544 — New line flag missing from a text element linkage in a text node.

Cause — New line information is missing from text formatting linkage in the text element in a text node.

Effect — If you edit such text before fixing this corruption with FileFixer, all the text elements in the text node will be collapsed into a single line of text. This corruption must be prevented — it cannot be repaired once the corrupt text has been edited.

Solution — Use FileFixer’s “Automatic Design File Repair” command with the Settings | Change Settings | Repair... | Linkage | Add new line flag missing in a text element linkage that is part of a text node option turned on (it is OFF by default) to set the line feed flag in the text formatting linkage.

545 — Duplicate text formatting linkage in a text node.

Cause — More that one text formatting linkage on the text elements in a text node.

Effect — If you edit such text before fixing this corruption with FileFixer, all the text elements in the text node will be collapsed into a single line of text. This corruption must be prevented — it cannot be repaired once the corrupt text has been edited.

Solution — Use FileFixer’s “Automatic Design File Repair” command with the Settings | Change Settings | Repair... | Linkage | Delete duplicate text formatting linkage in a text node option turned on (it is OFF by default) to delete the duplicate text formatting linkages and to set the line feed flag in the remaining text formatting linkage.

560 — Text string overflows the element's length.

Cause — The number of characters is incorrect. It says there are more characters than actually exist.

Effect — The design file may become corrupted. A phantom element may get created.

Solution — Use FileFixer to correct the number of characters field in text element. The repair setting that corrects this error is Settings | Change Settings | Repair... | Text | Correct the number of characters field in text element and is on by default.

570 — Null cell name in cell library or design file.

Cause — There is an unnamed type 2 cell in a cell library.

Unnamed cells are not the same as orphan cells. Both have no name, but “orphan” cells have their H-bit set.

Nameless cells should not exist in a cell library unless their H-bit is set (which makes it an “orphan cell”).

Solution — Use FileFixer to change the nameless cell to an orphan cell by setting its H-bit. The repair setting is Settings | Change Settings | Repair... | Cell | Correct null cell names (type 2s only) by setting the H-bit. This setting is on by default.

Serious V8-specific Errors

Serious V8-specific errors are reported with numbers in the range 600–699.

For more information about structured storage, see the section titled “V8-specific Informational Messages”.

601 — Missing “Default” model storage.

Cause — The default model is missing. [The Dgn-Md#000000 storage is missing.] Effect — MicroStation may not be able to open the file.

Solution — Use FileFixer’s “Automatic Design File Repair” command with the Settings | Change Settings | Repair... | Structured Storage | Repair severely damaged internal file structure turned on (OFF by default).

Send your file as email attachment to if file size is less than one megabyte. Upload larger files to and notify by e-mail.

602 — Missing non-model storage.

Cause — The file is missing one of the basic structured storage components. [The Dgn^Nm storage is missing.]

Effect — MicroStation cannot open the file.

Solution — Send your file as email attachment to if file size is less than one megabyte. Upload larger files to and notify by e-mail.

603 — Missing non-model data.

Cause — The file is missing one of the basic structured storage components. [The Dgn^Nm$1 stream is missing.]

Effect — MicroStation cannot open the file.

Solution — See error #601.

610 — Missing models storage.

Cause — The file is missing one of the basic structured storage components. [The Dgn-Md storage is missing.]

Effect — MicroStation cannot open the file.

Solution — See error #601.

619 — Element is beyond the edge of the design plane.

Cause — According to its range block, at least one of this element’s coordinates is beyond the edge of the design plane (or design cube).

This is possible because an element’s IEEE floating point data can hold erroneous values which exceed the maximum allowed V8 design file coordinate.

Effect — Element may be unselectable, unmovable or excluded from fence operations.

You may experience anomalies with actions such as plotting and Save As.

Solution — Use FileFixer’s “Automatic Design File Repair” command to adjust element coordinates back inside the design plane (or design cube) boundary.

Solution — Use Problem Element Viewer to see what this element looks like and where it is located. If this is a stray, unwanted element and is actually causing plotting (or other) problems, then use Problem Element Viewer to delete it.

Solution — Add “619” to the “Delete problem elements based on the error they generate” listed under Settings | Change Settings | Repair... | Element to have FileFixer delete such elements in “Automatic Design File Repair” mode.

620 — Missing Header data.

Cause — The file is missing one of the basic structured storage components. [The Dgn~H stream is missing.]

Effect — MicroStation cannot open the file.

Solution — See error #601.

630 — Multiple master file level tables.

Cause — Design file contains more than one master file level table.

Only one of the master file level tables will be used. Prior to MicroStation V8.5.2.35 the first master file level table was always used. Starting with MicroStation V8.5.2.35 the master file level table with the lowest element ID is used.

Effect — Sometimes elements display with the correct level settings and other times the elements display with incorrect level settings.

Effect — Master file levels settings appear to match the level definitions for a reference file attachment.

Effect — MicroStation’s Element Information tool displays elements with “blank” level names.

Effect — Message Center lists the error message “Detected multiple level tables in file…”.

Solution — Use FileFixer’s “Automatic Design File Repair” command with the Settings | Change Settings | Repair... | Levels | Delete unused master file level tables option turned

on (it is OFF by default) to delete unused master file level tables. You must choose which master file level table to retain (by default, the master file level table with the lowest element ID is retained).

Serious Errors — Problems are Likely

Serious errors are reported with error numbers in the range 700–799. There is a significant possibility that the elements involved will manifest problems of some kind.

702 — Phantom element. Complex bit is set for a non-component element.

Cause — An element that is not a component of a complex element has its complex bit set.

Effect — The element may not be selectable.

Solution — Use FileFixer’s “Automatic Design File Repair” command with the Settings | Change Settings | Repair... | Complex | Correct complex bit errors turned on to fix this problem automatically. This setting is on by default.

703 — Complex bit is not set for a component element.

Cause — An element that is a component of a complex element does not have its complex bit set.

Effect — When component element complex bits are not properly set, problems can occur when a complex element is deleted.

Solution — Use FileFixer’s “Automatic Design File Repair” command with the Settings | Change Settings | Repair... | Complex | Correct complex bit errors turned on to fix this problem automatically. This setting is on by default.

704 — Low range is greater than high range.

Cause — The x-low value is greater than the x-high value, the y-low value is greater than the y-high value, or the z-low value is greater than the z-high value. The z-range is checked for 3D models only.

Cause — This error is also reported when range’s z-low or z-high is non-zero for an element in a 2D model.

Effect — Such elements may be ignored by plotting software and fence contents commands.

Solution — Use FileFixer’s “Automatic Design File Repair” command with Settings | Change Settings | Repair... | Range | Repair range of displayable elements setting turned on. This setting is on by default. FileFixer will automatically swap the low and high values.

Solution — Use Problem Element Viewer to locate the element graphically. Delete or redraw.

Note: FileFixer cannot repair a 704 error for a complex header element which does not have any components — when there are no graphical components, the graphical range cannot be calculated.

705 — Element range doesn’t match the min-max of its vertices.

Cause — The range of an element with vertices, points, poles, etc. is incorrect. The element range and the min-max of the vertices, points, poles, etc. that make up the element don’t fall within the user-specified tolerance. This error can apply to lines, line strings, shapes, curves, conics, b-spline pole elements and pole strings.

Effect — This element may be improperly ignored by fence contents manipulation commands.

Effect — It may be impossible to snap to or select this element for manipulation.

Solution — Use FileFixer’s “Automatic Design File Repair” command with Settings | Change Settings | Repair... | Range | Repair range of displayable elements setting turned on. This setting is on by default.

707 — B-spline pole element range doesn’t match the min-max of its poles or the range of its b-spline surface header.

Cause — The range of a b-spline pole element is incorrect. MicroStation normally sets the range of this element type to the range of its type 24 b-spline surface header. The range of this element doesn’t match.

Effect — This element may be improperly ignored by fence contents manipulation commands.

Effect — It may be impossible to snap to or select this element for manipulation.

Solution — Use FileFixer’s “Automatic Design File Repair” command with Settings | Change Settings | Repair... | Range | Repair range of displayable elements setting turned on. This setting is on by default.

709 — Type __ header misses type __ component by __%.

Cause — All type 25 and type 21 elements that are components of b-spline curves should have the exact same range as their parent header element. The range of this element didn’t match its parent.

Effect — Possible element select, snapping, and fence manipulation problems.

Solution — Use FileFixer’s “Automatic Design File Repair” command to fix this type of problem automatically.

712 — Range of right circular truncated cone is incorrect.

Cause — FileFixer calculates the range of right circular truncated cones based on the locations of their centers, radii, and quaternions. The range calculated by FileFixer for this element doesn’t match the range stored in its element header.

Effect — Possible element snapping, selection, and fence manipulation problems.

Solution — Use FileFixer’s “Automatic Design File Repair” with the Settings | Change Settings | Repair... | Repair range of displayable elements setting on to repair this element. This setting is on by default.

717 — Cell class map is incorrect.

Cause — This problem occurs when the list of classes (stored in the cell header) used by elements in the cell does not match the actual classes used by elements in the cell

Solution — Use FileFixer’s “Automatic Design File Repair” command with the Settings | Change Settings | Repair... | Element | Set illegal class to: repair setting turned on to correct this problem automatically. This setting is OFF by default.

Note: Cell component classes are stored in the cell’s class map. In the following examples, bits are counted right to left beginning with 0:


0000 0000 0000 0000 EMPTY (or NULL) — no graphical cell components.


0000 0000 0000 0100 class 2 — cell contains a construction class element.


0000 0000 0000 0101 classes 0 and 2 (primary and construction) — cell contains primary and construction class elements.


*A cell’s class map can be EMPTY when the cell is composed of nested cells or other non-graphic elements. An element’s class is stored in its display header which only exists in graphical elements (only graphical elements have a class).

720 — Complex header range is off by ___%.

Cause — The union of the range blocks of the components of the complex element header does not match the range block of the complex header element itself. The percentage is determined by dividing the deviation from perfection as calculated by FileFixer (in UORs) by the size of the element (in UORs). This test is performed on the x, y, and (for 3D models) z axes. The worst (largest) of the error percentages is the one reported. Note that if the size of the element (along the z-axis as an example) is very small (lets say 1 UOR as an example), then a relatively small deviation from the ideal Z-High or Z-Low (lets say 50 UORs) would result in a large percentage deviation (for example, 5000%). Don’t worry — just use the “Automatic Design File Repair” command to adjust the problem elements.

Effect — The complex element may be improperly excluded from fence manipulation and plotting commands.

Solution — Use FileFixer’s “Automatic Design File Repair” with the Settings | Change Settings | Repair... | Repair range of complex header elements setting on to repair this element. This setting is on by default.

721 — An element of this type cannot be a component of a complex header of the specified type.

Cause — Each type of complex element (like cells and text nodes) can only contain certain types of elements. For example, a text node (type 7) can contain only text elements (type 17s). A connected string (type 12) can contain only linear elements such as lines (type 3s), line strings (type 4s), arcs (type 16s), etc. The element just read in cannot legally be contained in the complex element header mentioned near the end of the message.

Cause — The complex header element mentioned contains a words-in-description error that causes it to think it contains elements that really should be after its end.

Effect — Some combinations of elements can be unselectable.

Solution — Check Settings | Change Settings |Repair | Complex | Handle illegal components in complex element for settings to handle this error depending on the type of situation reported.

Solution — For problems with complex graphic elements, you can also use Problem Element Viewer to visually inspect both the complex element as a whole and the unwanted component. Redraw or delete.

Solution — Activate the following FileFixer Repair setting to clean up nested shared cell definitions:

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722 — Dimension element with no data points or associative points.

Cause — A dimension element must have at least one data or associative point.

Effect — Element may be unselectable.

Solution — Use FileFixer's Settings | Change Settings | Repair... | Dimension | Remove dimension element with no data points or associative points repair setting to delete the bad dimension element. This setting is on by default. You will then need to recreate the dimension element.

724 — Range of arc or ellipse is incorrect.

Cause — FileFixer calculates the range of arcs and ellipses based on the length of their axes, angle of rotation, origin, start angle and sweep angle. The range calculated by FileFixer for this element doesn’t match the range stored in its element header.

Effect — Possible element snapping, selection, and fence manipulation problems.

Solution — Use FileFixer’s “Automatic Design File Repair” with the Settings | Change Settings | Repair... | Repair range of displayable elements setting on to repair this element. This setting is on by default.

725 — Range of text element is incorrect.

Cause — The range of this text element is incorrect.

Cause — FileFixer calculates the range of 2D and 3D text elements based on their origin, number of characters, rotation or quaternions, length multiplier, and height multiplier.

Effect — Possible element snapping, selection, and fence manipulation problems.

Solution — Use FileFixer’s “Automatic Design File Repair” with the Settings | Change Settings | Repair... | Repair range of displayable elements setting on to repair this element. This setting is on by default.

Be sure you have the correct font library specified in MicroStation.

727 — Range of text node element is incorrect.

Cause — FileFixer has calculated that the range of an empty text node is incorrect.

Effect — Possible element snapping, selection, and fence manipulation problems.

Solution — Use FileFixer’s “Automatic Design File Repair” with the Settings | Change Settings | Repair... | Repair range of displayable elements setting on to repair this element. This setting is on by default.

733 — A shared cell instance is nested in a shared cell definition with the same name.

Cause — A shared cell instance cannot be nested in a shared cell definition that defines that shared cell instance.

Effect — MicroStation cannot open this file.

Solution — Use FileFixer’s “Automatic Design File Repair” with the Settings | Change Settings | Repair... | Delete shared cell instance nested in a shared cell definition with the same name setting on to repair this element. This setting is on by default.

750 — Severe elementSize errors.

Cause —The element’s size (“elementSize” property) is not correct.

Effect — This element and subsequent elements will not display in MicroStation. [The exact number of elements which will not display is dependent upon element distribution within the structured storage file.]

Solution — Restore from backup if possible.

Send your file as email attachment to if file size is less than one megabyte. Upload larger files to and notify by e-mail.

Note: There is no search setting for this error — due to the severity of the condition it is always reported when found.

764 — Siamese attribute linkage (linkage overlaying the next element).

Cause — The element’s attribute linkage extends beyond the end of the element. That means the linkage overlaps the next element in the file.

Effect — Applications that depend upon data in the linkage area could malfunction or crash. Accessing a database using this linkage could fail.

Effect – Element may not be able to be moved without MicroStation V8 locking up or aborting.

Effect – Design file or model cannot be plotted without MicroStation V8 locking up or aborting.

Solution — Use FileFixer’s “Automatic Design File Repair” command with the Settings | Change Settings | Repair... | Linkage | Remove siamese linkage setting turned on. This setting is off by default.

767 — Shared cell instance dependency link to its shared cell definition is broken.

Cause — The dependency linkage on the shared cell instance contains an element ID that does not match any shared cell definition in the design file.

Effect — This cell will not display even if you add a shared cell definition with the same name.

Solution — Use FileFixer’s “Automatic Design File Repair” command with the Settings | Change Settings | Repair... | Linkage | Set the shared cell instance dependency linkage’s element ID to the shared cell definition’s element ID.

768 — Shared cell instance has no matching shared cell definition.

Cause — Whenever there is a shared cell instance (type 35) in a design file, there must also be a shared cell definition element (type 34) with the same name in the design file. The type 34 contains the instructions on how to display the type 35. Error number 768 indicates a type 35 has no corresponding type 34 — the type 35 (instance) cannot display (no definition). The shared cell definition element must have the exact same name as the shared cell instance.

Effect — This cell will not display (no definition).

Solution — Find (or create) a cell library that contains a cell of the specified name. Attach that cell library. Place that cell as a shared cell (this should insert a shared cell definition into your file). Delete the instance you just placed (not needed). Do a FIT. The original cell (and all other shared cell instances with the same name) should now be visible. Use Axiom product Problem Element Viewer to zoom in on the repaired cell if you don’t know where it is located.

Solution — FileFixer’s “Automatic Design File Repair” command with the Settings | Change Settings | Repair... | Cell | Create dummy shared cell definition for missing definition setting turned on (OFF by default). This setting will create a dummy shared cell definition. What this setting does is create a shared cell definition element with a text element as its only component. The text element contains the name of the shared cell. This will graphically show you the locations where the cell is used. Use Axiom product Problem Element Viewer to zoom in on the repaired cell if you don’t know where it is located.

Solution — If the above solutions do not cause the specified cell to become visible, or if the cell displays incorrectly, you should use Problem Element Viewer to delete the type 34 and type 35 and use MicroStation to replace the cell from the cell library. Even if the cell is displaying incorrectly, Problem Element Viewer may be able to at least show where in the design file, the problem cell is located.

787 — Element has too many vertices.

Cause — Elements like line strings, shapes and curves can have no more than 5000 vertices. This element has a number of vertices value greater than 5000.

Effect — Element may not display and view manipulations can cause MicroStation to abort.

Solution — Select the Settings | Change Settings | Repair... | Vertices| Set number of vertices to maximum allowed setting to automatically adjust the number of vertices to the maximum allowed of 5000.

788 — B-spline pole element (__) has too few poles.

Cause — This type 21 element has less than two poles.

Effect — Element may not display as expected.

Solution — Use Problem Element Viewer to delete the parent complex header of this element. The element number of the parent is shown in parentheses in FileFixer’s report.

789 — Element has too few vertices, points, boundaries, etc.

Cause — Elements with vertices, points, etc. must have a minimum number of these.

This element did not have enough.

Effect — Element may not display as expected. You may experience plotting anomalies.

Solution — Select the Settings | Change Settings | Repair... | Element | Remove elements with too few vertices setting to automatically remove these elements from the design file. This setting is on by default.

Solution — Use Axiom’s Problem Element Viewer to determine if the erroneous element is displayable. If the element is displayable, you may want to redraw the element before deleting it.

Fatal V8-specific Errors

Fatal V8-specific errors are reported with numbers in the range 800–899.

For more information about structured storage, see the section “V8 specific Information Messages”.

For more information about structured storage repair, see the section “Structured Storage”.

801 — Missing header data for model <______>.

Cause — Models consist of a header (contains model’s name, description and other information), non-graphical elements (like reference file attachments) and graphical elements. This error indicates the model’s header information is missing. [The ~Mh stream is missing for the indicated model.]

Effect — The model cannot be selected from MicroStation’s Models dialog.

MicroStation may not be able to open the file.

Solution — Select FileFixer’s Settings | Change Settings | Repair... | Structured Storage | Rebuild damaged model header data setting (on by default). FileFixer uses Design History, if present, to reconstruct the model header. If Design History is not available, FileFixer reconstructs the model header using the model index stream.

Note: If Design History is not available, FileFixer cannot recover the model’s original working units and working unit labels. Working units can be easily re-set using MicroStation (Settings | Design file | Working units). FileFixer’s report will remind you to do so when necessary.

802 — Data exists but cannot be read.

Cause — This error indicates structured storage data is present, but is damaged and cannot be read. Specifically, an entire sub-file (“stream”) cannot be accessed. The type and location of the damaged data (stream) is indicated in FileFixer’s report. This error is much more severe than a corrupted individual element — this error indicates a large portion of the file (an entire stream), possibly containing hundreds of elements, cannot be read.

Effect — The manifestations you experience will depend on what data is damaged.

Stream Type Manifestation when damaged
Model header If the active model (last saved) is damaged, you will likely
encounter a MicroStation exception when you attempt to
open the file. If the damaged model is not the active model,
the model cannot be selected from MicroStation’s Models
Graphical None of the elements in the stream (possibly hundreds) will
Non-graphical Reference files will not display on screen or in References
Non-Model The file’s level table, line styles, shared cells and other
global data, or a portion thereof, will be lost and unusable.

Examples of error 802 that might appear in your FileFixer report:

  • -- Non-model data exists but cannot be read. [Dgn^Nm\$2 stream cannot be read.] [802].
  • -- Graphical data exists but cannot be read. [131 elements cannot be extracted from Dgn-Md\#000000\Dgn^G\$3 stream.]
  • -- Non-graphical data exists but cannot be read. [3 elements cannot be extracted from Dgn-Md\#000000\Dgn^C\$1 stream.] [802].
  • -- Graphical data exists but cannot be read. [Dgn-Md\#000000\Dgn~Mh stream cannot be read.] [802].

Note: Error 802 is reported for any damaged stream found. Since all data in a V8 file is stored in one stream or another, error 802 encompasses all possible data which can be stored in a V8 design file. Some design file streams, when damaged, impact users and MicroStation more severely than other damaged streams. From analysis of customer files, we found the most common and most catastrophic stream category to be damaged are model header streams. Accordingly, we implemented automated repair of model headers first.

Solution — If FileFixer reports that a model header is damaged, select the Settings | Change Settings | Repair... | Structured Storage | Rebuild missing or damaged model header data setting (on by default). FileFixer uses Design History, if present, to reconstruct the model header. If Design History is not available, FileFixer reconstructs the model header using the model index stream. See description of error 801 for more information about model header repair.

Solution — If FileFixer reports that a non-model stream is damaged, find a healthy file (or dgnlib) from the same project and enter:

levelmanager library attach <name of healthy file>

dgnlib update all

This will refresh your level table, dimension styles, text styles and multi-line styles.

Solution — If FileFixer reports that a non-model stream is damaged, select the Settings | Change Settings | Repair... | Structured Storage | Recover elements beyond missing or damaged non-model data setting (OFF by default).

Solution — If FileFixer reports that a model’s non-graphical stream is damaged, select the Settings | Change Settings | Repair... | Structured Storage | Recover elements beyond missing or damaged non-graphical data setting (OFF by default).

Solutions — If FileFixer reports that a model's graphical stream is damaged, restore from DgnHistory or backup if available.

Solutions — If FileFixer reports that a model’s graphical stream is damaged, select the Settings | Change Settings | Repair... | Structured Storage | Recover elements beyond missing or damaged graphical data setting (OFF by default).

Note: You can always contact Axiom support for assistance with file recovery:

819 — Graphical element in non-graphical data.

Cause — Graphical element in the non-graphical data area. The non-graphical data area is for reference file attachments, application data elements, etc.

Effect — MicroStation V8i may lock up or abort.

Solution – Turn on FileFixer's Settings | Change Settings | Repair... | Element | Delete graphical element in non-graphical data setting to delete the graphical elements in the non-graphical area. This repair setting is OFF by default.

820 — The design file cannot be opened. Replacing the model headers.

Cause — Missing or severely damaged model header or model index Effect — MicroStation V8 fails to open the design file.

Solution – Turn on FileFixer's Settings | Change Settings | Repair... | Structured Storage | Rebuild missing or damaged model header or index data to replace or repair the missing or damaged model header data.

850 — Project Explorer stream count is corrupted.

Cause — The Project Explorer stream count is significantly larger than expected.

Effect — The design file may take an extraordinarily long time to open or to repair.

Solution — Use FileFixer’s Settings | Change Settings | Repair... | Structured Storage | Repair Project Explorer data option to fix this problem.

Note: When the Project Explorer data corruption is so severe that FileFixer would appear locked up when attempting to resolve it, FileFixer stops processing if the repair option, described in the solution section above, is not turned on. When this occurs FileFixer reports an 850 error. If the problem is relatively minor or the repair option is turned on FileFixer reports a 450 error and processing is not interrupted.

897 — Non-model section is corrupted.

Cause — The first non-model stream is corrupted.

Effect —MicroStation cannot open the file. MicroStation must find the design file header in order to open the file. This element is normally in the first non-model stream.

Solution – Turn on FileFixer’s Settings | Change Settings | Repair... | Structured Storage | Repair severely damaged internal file structure setting to repair the damaged V8 design file. This repair setting is OFF by default.

Solution — Send your file as email attachment to if file size is less than one megabyte. Upload larger files to and notify by e-mail.

898 — Cross-linked streams found.

Cause — Two different data streams (subfiles) believe their data occupies the same location in the file.

Effect — MicroStation cannot open the file.

Solution – Turn on FileFixer’s Settings | Change Settings | Repair... | Structured Storage | Repair severely damaged internal file structure setting to repair the damaged V8 design file. This repair setting is OFF by default.

Solution — Send your file as email attachment to if file size is less than one megabyte. Upload larger files to and notify by e-mail.

899 — Internal storage in this file is corrupted.

Cause — The structured storage framework of this file is severely damaged, preventing access to all data in the file.

Effect — MicroStation cannot open the file.

Solution – Turn on FileFixer’s Settings | Change Settings | Repair... | Structured Storage | Repair severely damaged internal file structure setting to repair the damaged V8 design file. This repair setting is OFF by default.

Solution — Send your file as email attachment to if file size is less than one megabyte. Upload larger files to and notify by e-mail.

Note: The file templateV8.dgn (delivered with FileFixer for V8) is required to repair error 899.Fatal Errors

Fatal errors are reported with error numbers 900–999. It is unlikely that any MicroStation application will be able to process the file in its entirety without a severe error.

902 — First element of file is not an active type 9 (design file header).

Cause — This is a design file or cell library whose first element (type 9 design file header) has been deleted or is badly damaged.

Effect — MicroStation cannot open the file.

Solution — Select FileFixer’s Settings | Change Settings | Repair... | Headers | Replace the design file header element. This option will add the type 9 design file header as the first element of the design file. Since the design file header element is deleted or badly damaged you must also turn on the Settings | Change Settings | Repair... | Structured Storage | Repair severely damaged internal file structure option so this fatal corruption can be fixed before attempting to open the file using MicroStation functions in later FileFixer steps.

905 — Duplicate b-spline poles in a closed b-spline have been found.

Cause — A b-spline pole element (type 24) has duplicate first and/or last poles in a closed b-spline. MicroStation normally doesn’t create b-spline poles in this manner. Converting files from DWG to DGN sometimes results in this.

Solution — Select FileFixer’s Settings | Change Settings | Repair... | B-spline | Open the closed b-spline that has duplicate b-spline poles setting to change the b-spline from closed to open. This repair setting is OFF by default.

911 — Design file header (type 9) should be on level 8, not _____.

Cause — The design file header’s element is not on level number 8.

Effect — MicroStation V8 will not be able to open the design file. MicroStation V8 will display “Unable to open design file. Please contact your local site administrator or technical support provider for further assistance.”

Solution — Use FileFixer’s “Automatic Design File Repair” mode with the Settings | Change Settings | Repair... | Headers | Correct the design file header’s level option to repair this element. This setting is ON by default.

912 — Illegal floating point value encountered.

Cause — An arc or ellipse element contains a value that cannot be converted into a floating point number.

Solution — Use Problem Element Viewer to locate the element graphically so that you can delete and/or redraw.