Calling All Engineers: Final Casting Call


If you’ve ever wondered what it would be like to be part of the Mars mission, here’s your chance to find out — without leaving Earth.

NASA is recruiting for the first of their Mars mission analog studies and you don’t need to be an astronaut.

One Small Step

The 3D-printed crew quarters at NASA’s Johnson Space Center.

Pre “Liftoff” To-Do List

Before you head off to Mars Dune Alpha, you’re going to have a to-do list as long as your arm. You may have friends, family or a very understanding significant other who can take care of your home: collecting the mail, watering the houseplants, feeding Fluffy and the myriad tasks that make up our lives. One thing they can’t do for you? They can’t complete the mountain of projects you need to get through at work before heading for Alphaville. You’re going to need superpowers for that and that’s where Axiom steps up to help you in your heroic endeavor.

If you’re willing to put your career in the AEC industry on hold for twelve months, here’s what to expect on the 3D-printed version of Mars.

What will life on Mars be like?

How to Apply for the Mars Program